Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Monday, February 24, 2025


 There has been - predictably and understandably - a lot of screams of "DO SOMETHING" since Trump took office and began to take Musk's chainsaw to governance and trying to recreate Jim Crow racial norms. Some of this, naturally, is directed at Democrats whom people expect to oppose as an opposition party. Several Democrats - including high ranking ones - are uncomfortable being an opposition party; they want to be a governing party. 

As we are seeing from townhalls and phone calls, voters are also directing their ire at Republicans. Since Republicans control the White House, Senate, House and Supreme Court, that seems like a decent place to focus one's anger. 

At the moment, the only group to really successfully oppose Trump have been the Courts, and there is some question as to how tenable that is, if Trump directs the Executive Branch to ignore court rulings.

Ideally, we get to a place where public sentiment turns so strongly against Trump and Musk that GOP members of Congress remember that they swore an oath to the Constitution and not Trump. OK, stop laughing.

Still, the complaints about our institutions moving to slowly to counteract Trump misses the point. They are supposed to move slowly. The whole point of Project 2025 was that by 2026 the institutions would catch up and elections would be held. They had to "move fast and break things" because eventually those institutions swing around, like a massive container ship. 

Institutions are supposed to be sclerotic. It's their superpower. Musk's desire to turn the Federal government into a lean, tech company is fundamentally misguided as to what government actually is. Our institutions are designed to thwart tyranny and they do that by being immovable. That's really frustrating when you are trying to create a new health care program, but these are the moments when the sheer mass of the government works in your favor.

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