Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Here I Am! Rock Me Like A Herman Cain!

Wow, no one could have predicted...

Since I'm a day late on the Herman Cain withdrawal, I will just throw a bunch of links at you.

First, there is Booman's "What I learned from Herman Cain".

Second, because of course, we have The Onion.

Herman Cain was always more of an act of political performance art.  He was on the grift and out to sell some books.  Run for President, charm some people, maybe you get a comfy gig at Fox.  There are lots of blonde ladies at Fox for Herman to hit on, so I can see the appeal.

Most of Cain's "ideas" were pure hokum.  The 9-9-9 plan was apparently based on the Sims video game.  His willful ignorance about anything related to foreign affairs was kind of frightening after a point.  I mean, Rick Perry is too stupid to know anything about Uzbekistan, but Cain just refused to learn about it.

But unlike Gingrich or Romney, he was likable.  He passed the "Who do you want to have a beer with?" test.  Mainly because Romney and Huntsman are forbidden from drinking, Gingrich would probably be all pompous about the merits of microbrews and the history of fermentation, while Bachmann after a few sips would get all clingy and talk about how Marcus spends so much time with troubled boys that he never touches her anymore.  Awkward.

Gingrich probably stands to win from this.  He's a lot of people's second choice, which is fitting for a man working on his own third choice.  If the bulk of Cain's support goes to Newt, he wins Iowa.  If he wins Iowa and runs a strong second in New Hampshire, he probably sweeps South Carolina and Florida.

The only thing now standing between Gingrich and the GOP nomination is Newt Gingrich.

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