Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Monday, January 9, 2023

Immigration Is Broken And We Can't Fix It

 Erik Loomis takes the dependably left wing view of restricted immigration policy, which is odd, because it's at odds with his position as a labor leftist. (Labor tends to support immigration restrictions.)

There is no doubt that America's immigration system is broken. There are legitimate reasons for people to show up at America's borders wanting asylum. The complete breakdown of civic order in the countries of Central America is real and distressing. It is also somewhat different from normal asylum procedures, whereby a dissident needs to flee a country because their political views will get them killed. In this case, lawlessness itself is the threat. 

"Open borders" is one of the most ridiculous self-owns - up there with Defund the Police - that the left has come up with since 2016. Both feed in to the concept that Democrats have no agenda for public order. It's not accurate - no one in the policy realm really means completely open border or to get rid of police - but it doesn't need to be accurate. Commenters in Loomis' post snidely say that Biden is trying to win Fox News voters with this. That's not accurate. The Rio Grande valley has moved AWAY from Democrats because they are shouldering the burden of historic asylum seekers flooding the border.

There has to be a legislative fix to this system that rewards anyone for showing up to an overburdened asylum system that cannot process these claims for years. The idea that the Chaos Caucus would allow ANY progress on immigration is absurd. In fact, even in a perfect world with 218/60/1/5 (House, Senate, White House, Supreme Court), I have no idea what the solution is.

Honestly, the best I can come up with is sending in military peacekeepers to restore order in Nicaragua and Honduras. Anyone want to guess whether Loomis and others would support that, given America's history in Latin America?

UPDATE: The Biden plan is actually not nearly as bad as Loomis makes it out to be.

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