Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Friday, September 13, 2024


 There are two stories going around that shows how deranged Trumpism has gotten. Or more deranged. It was always nonsensical, but now it's gone of the deep end and the debate has been a big part of the story.

First, we have the most viral moment from the debate: Trump's untethered embrace of Haitians eating people's pets. That has become a staple meme already. Lots of funny videos. Except it's not funny. Haitians are being intimidated and schools are closing in Springfield, OH, as shitbirds like JD Vance continue to push the story. This is part of the bigger dynamic about the violence within the Trumpist movement.

Second and related has been the ascendency of Laura Loomer within Trump's orbit. Loomer is the pure, unbridled and unfiltered Trumpist cultist. Outspokenly racist, a true believer in the conspiracy theories that swirl around that addled, hateful man, Loomer has devoted herself to Trump and now has his ear. The debate debacle is being laid at her feet for getting him onto the cats and dogs nonsense.

People rightly fear that there will be violence this election cycle - as there was on January 6th. Craven idiots like Loomer will stoke Trump's grievances until something snaps - in him or in America. I don't think they will win. They are weird and dysfunctional. But people could die before this orange shitbag shuffles of history's stage.

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