Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Eleven Dimensional Mind Kung Fu

I'm not usually on board with the "Obama plays eleven dimensional chess while his opponents play checkers" meme.

But this is interesting.  Apparently the whole "We are the 53%" astroturf effort "movement" is leading the GOP to push raising taxes on poorer Americans who actually pay no income taxes.  By pushing for raising rates on the wealthy, Obama used his Mind Kung Fu to make the GOP consider raising taxes on the near majority of Americans who currently pay no income tax.

Now, first off, the argument that the bottom 47% are paying NO taxes is absurd.  They pay payroll taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes and so on.  But the GOP apparently thinks the way to balancing the budget is to raise income taxes on the bottom half of society.

There might be some merit to that, frankly.  But they are simultaneously saying they want to prevent raising taxes on the top 10%.  I'm trying to think of something more politically suicidal in this climate than this position.  I'm having trouble coming up with one.

Of course, every low information voter knows that Obama raised your taxes (he lowered them) and created death panels (he didn't) and is a socialist, Muslim, Kenyan (nope, unh-uh, STFU).  Maybe it will work.

But as the GOP keeps searching underneath the cushions of the clown car for a better candidate, one can't help but wonder if the real problem is that they just need better ideas.

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