There is no spinning this, despite some lame efforts by those in the Cult of Trump. Trump got his absolute ass handed to him. Nancy Pelosi, in particular, held together the Democratic Congress and prevented Trump from getting a single concession from his shutdown. The pressure points were identified. Yes, this is only a three week reprieve, but it allows federal workers to get some back pay. And if they try this nonsense again, you can anticipate a more forceful and organized reaction from the get-go. I would hope that the flight attendant and pilot's unions would basically say, "Fund the government or we won't fly."
Shutdowns are always stupid and unsuccessful. The Republicans are the party of shutdowns. Democrats consistently have been for keeping the government open. As the shutdown lingered, people turned hard against Trump and the GOP. Over 70% of Americans thought this was a bad idea. You can't get 70% of Americans to agree on anything.
Because he won such an unexpected victory in 2016, there has been a tendency to invest Trump with political skills he doesn't possess. If the media had not tried to balance coverage with bullshit both-sides coverage of things like "her emails" and the Clinton Foundation, and covered allegations in relation to the proof behind them, then 2016 turns out differently. If Comey doesn't issue his letter, then 2016 turns out differently.
Trump had demonstrated two things.
First, he is exactly as awful and criminal a person as Democrats were saying he was in 2016. That is sinking in. He really is the King of Bankruptcy, not the Art of the Deal guy.
Second, Trump is the logical extension of the trends in the GOP that Democrats have been pointing out for two decades.
Lindsay Graham said if Trump doesn't win the shutdown, his presidency is effectively over.
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