Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Walker, My King

Haven't talked about Wisconsin much since Walker's odious bill "passed" the Senate.

But he must have been tired of being shoved out of the news by the "other" dictator Khadaffy/Qadafi and the "other" meltdown in Japan.

In case you weren't following it: several groups sued to get a stay on the law because they felt it violated Wisconsin's open meetings law.  I don't know anything about the law or the groups suing.

But a judge issued a temporary restraining order to keep the Secretary of State from publishing the law - which is how laws go into effect in Wisconsin.

So the GOP goes AROUND the Secretary of State's office and gets it published anyway.  In apparent direct defiance of the courts.

Is anyone else unnerved by this?  We have one of the two political parties in this country A) denying evolution (just ask a GOP presidential hopeful about it) B) equating giving American health insurance with fascism C) and now blatantly ignoring the idea of judicial review.

The idea here is clear.  The bill was designed to impoverish public sector unions so that corporate money to the GOP could swamp future elections in this important midwestern swing state.  Thank YOU, Citizens United.

The Democratic strategy is to tie the legislation up in court until there can be a public referendum on the issue - starting with the recall elections later this year and Walker's recall next year.  The GOP wants to get the law in the books fast before 2012.

Whatever you think about the merits of the case and the strategy involved, it is clear that one side is working within the rule of law and one side is not.


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