Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Grand Old Police Blotter

 Scott Lemieux notes that the Texas lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court is a laughable piece of crap. Most likely the SCOTUS will hear from the "plaintiffs," challenge them on both standing and the law, including the safe harbor date having passed and then tell them to piss off.

As the Post editors note, we have passed the moment when there is even a shred of legitimacy to these complaints, and the GOP have become co-conspirators against American democracy. While I remain skeptical of an actual insurgency or civil war, I do think we are getting closer and closer to someone getting killed. When that happens, McConnell and others will cluck their tongues and say something about antifa or some other bullshit and they will not pay a price. Not politically. 

There were those who discreetly hoped that Trump might pass away during his presidency. I wanted him to experience the loss of his re-election. And clearly it has wounded him deeply, as almost every day goes by with him somehow losing the election all over again. Maybe we can place him in a medically induced coma until January 21st, because right now he's waging a full scale war against America. With Cult 45 sticking by him, the Coward Caucus, which is the GOP, are aiding and abetting this assault.

It won't work, but it will do lasting damage.

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