I skimmed some of the Executive Actions that Trump is going to take today, and some of them are just blatantly unconstitutional and illegal. It's the not that they are all bad. But for instance, he says he's going to issue an executive order legalizing marijuana. That's not the way that works. Now, maybe he's going to issue an order stopping enforcement of marijuana laws, but even that is on thin ground - same with his stay of the TikTok ban. He wants to declare an emergency on the border. That seems tendentious.
As Yglesias notes, we really have no idea what Trump is going to do. That's a feature of the information asymmetry that exists around Trump specifically and American politics in general. Republicans don't need policies, just rhetoric and ideology. So, we have very little idea what will happen in the next month, much less the next four years. I mean, the dude is a pathological liar.
Trump's PR insight is that Americans - especially Republicans - aren't really paying attention to governance. This is why all the objectively good things Biden did disappeared down the memory hole. Instead, people read the headlines; they dip their toes in the gestalt; they imbibe the vibes. So, he's going to SAY a lot of things. He's going to attempt a lot of things that likely won't pass muster even with this Supreme Court. Achieving things won't be the point on a lot of these verbal assaults. "Driving the narrative" is what matters, like with the Greenland nonsense.
Then again, he's stupid, mean and vindictive, so maybe he's planning an invasion of Greenland.
All I know is that trying to react to everything is going to kill me, so I am going to deny him that oxygen, at least in my wee bubble.
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