Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Friday, January 31, 2025

The Bloom Is Off The Rose. Again.

 It sure seems like the midair collision will end Trump's "honeymoon" if it wasn't over already. Any crisis exposes so many of the terrible flaws of Trumpistan: the incompetence of the minions; the blustering attack-style of Trump; the barely concealed racism; the contempt for basic governance. 

There are, as always, certain things that simply track with pre-existing views of the party. If the subject of the discourse is health care, Democrats are winning. If the subject of the discourse is taxes, that's good for Republicans. 

Basic competent governing is now trending as a Democratic issue. Some of this is unique to Trump's idiocy, some of this is the long standing contempt for governing that goes back to those who couldn't tell Reagan's rhetoric from reality, turning a bumpersticker into a philosophy. Americans memory-holed his awful handling of Covid and other crises during his first term, but I'd wager a few of them are thinking, "Oh. Yeah.  Shit." Chaos is his brand.

Every small failure of government is his to own. Blaming it on DEI is basically Trump finding a way to use the N-word in public. It's blame shifting, and only his cultists will buy it. 

We also have to acknowledge what is different from his first term. The people around him are viler and less competent. Elon Musk has his tentacles in everything. He's older, and he was never a smart man to begin with. He's even turned up the level of Orange again.

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