Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Corruption To Come

 CBS is considering "obeying in advance" by settling a frivolous lawsuit from Trump. As Scott Lemieux points out, this is basically a bribe. Still, the landscape is what it is. The Courts are not a safeguard for the First Amendment anymore and Trump will pervert the Executive into his weapon. 

The question is now: what will the behavior of the news media be when they have a credible story of Trump's corruption? Will they publish? Will the kill the story to avoid payback? How will actually independent sources like Pro Publica survive Trump's lawfare? (Hey, if they can use the term, so can we.) 

The Orban playbook involves suppressing the independence of the news media. American media has historically been independent, but that is hardly the case right now. You have Disney/ABC capitulating and now Paramount/CBS. The LA Times and Washington Post are in the tank, too.

We can talk about how Democratic messaging was "bad" all we want, but a corrupt news environment makes all that talk moot.

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