Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Guardian

Look to your right.  No, your other right.

I added The Guardian homepage to the blogroll.  Recently, they have upped their US coverage, especially in their digital version.  When the Fabulous, Lovely, Desirable If Slightly Microbial At The Moment Wife and I were in Ireland this summer, we could go down to breakfast and grab a copy of The Guardian or The Times and read actual news.  Yes, there were more numerous tabloids to browse as well.  But the presence of real newspapers was a delight.

I've increasingly used The Guardian as my source for news, because it's just, well, better.  They have a left wing slant, so that's nice, but that allows them to cover stories like OWS much more thoroughly.  Check this out.  That's a graphical representation of the story with just facts when you click on the wee bullseyes.  Yet it tells you so much more than interviewing the 1%ers about how their fee-fees are hurt by the dirty rabble outside their offices.

Or check this out.  Nice, clean reporting of last night's debate.  The analysis was sharp, yet didn't overwhelm the reporting.  I might quibble with Romney being described as the frontrunner, but I guess you have to call him that, even though he seems congenitally unable to crack 30% support.

I'm not ready to jettison The Grey Lady completely, but I heartily endorse checking out the Limey Contender to the throne.

And don't get me started on their international coverage.

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