Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Thursday, May 13, 2021

It Won't Matter

 It's doubtful the current lawsuit against the NRA will lead to the abolition of the NRA. It is probable that ongoing litigation will expose the NRA as being a hopelessly corrupt set of self-dealings, back scratchings and outright graft.

It seems pretty clear Wayne LaPierre is - in addition to being a merchant of death - is just a garden variety crook and aspiring kleptocrat. The NRA existed to bilk the rubes of their rubles to perpetuate gun and ammunition sales by scaring them about the abolition of gun rights. They then used that money to buy help elect Republicans and live high on the hog. It's no different than what Trump has done, looting the bank accounts of his cultists to pay to stop things he's lying about happening.

Eventually, it boils down to this: 

-The modern "Conservative Movement" is a series of grifts, and in order to keep the grift going, you have to keep the marks scared and angry.

Lots of people point to Fox and its warped brethren at OANN and NewsMax as the problem, but they are often just the hosts for the fear-based grifting. The election of Marjorie Traitor-Greene isn't the PLAN, it's the BYPRODUCT of this approach. Once you scare the right people enough, they will do anything to make the boogeyman go away and protect themselves from American Carnage. Fox is the vessel, not the originator. It's origins trace back to Richard Viguerie and the John Birch Society newsletters. 

If you disbanded the NRA tomorrow, it would simply arise again in a different form. The gun-humping ammosexuals would demand someone come and take their money and nurture their fears. As we are seeing with the rise of OANN, Fox is not the root cause and mover of conservatism's descent into delusional madness, it's simply an amplifier for this existing phenomena. 

It would be a nice scalp to take down the NRA. It would be emotionally satisfying and maybe a small percentage of gun humpers would change their mind when they discover they were duped. Every soul turned from the Dark Side is a soul saved.

But the enduring fact is that those duped by conservatism seem to want to be duped.

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