Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Romney vs. The World

So, the usual horserace crap about who won last night's poo-flinging exercise officially known as the GOP debate is underway.  Romney won, because he's the front-runner and guys like Pawlenty wimped out in refusing to take him on.  Bachmann won because she stole the show, because she's MILFy or something.  Cain won because he was craziest.

I have no idea.  I was tired anyway, and the last thing I needed to do was watch the Fail Parade of empty suits explaining how high taxes were the cause of unemployment and defaulting on the debt isn't that big a deal.

But there is something interesting going on.  Usually the GOP field has an anointed heir.  Usually it's the guy who came in second last time.  Reagan in '80, Bush in '88, Dole in '96, McCain in '08.  Dubya didn't fit that pattern, but he was anointed the heir apparent anyway.

So, Romney is the Guy.  If he was a Democrat, we'd hear what a flip-flopper he is and how he has no principles, but since he's a Republican, he's "ideologically flexible".  But, like Dole in '96 and McCain in '08, I don't get the sense that anyone is really all the excited about him.  I double-dip recession might make all that moot anyway, but I still see the GOP reaching out for a White Knight, and I've said I think it will be Rick Perry.  It won't be Giuliani, because c'mon.  And it won't be Palin because I mean really.

Perry has a resume as "impressive" as Romney's without the Obamneycare baggage.  He's as right wing as they come and an evangelical nutball to boot.

But I thought Wes Clark was going to take the Dem nomination in '04, so don't listen to me.

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