Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Other Thing

 There's another aspect of the concept of an assassination attempt yesterday that I wanted to address in a separate post.

It sure seemed to me that Trump came out of the first attempt on his life shaken up. He seems low energy. It would be human of him to experience PTSD. Whatever hit his ear - bullet or shrapnel - would have been terrifying. The thing about PTSD is that you can't process the trauma in the moment, so it creeps back into your mind at all sorts of times.

Yesterday could very well trigger more issues with Trump's already erratic mental health.

Think about it. He's a malignant narcissist, which means he craves adoration and despises those who won't adore him. There have now been two attempts on his life. How does that not shake him. Think about how you would feel if you became Twitter or Instagram's "Main Character of the Day" with everyone roasting you to a crisp because of something you posted. Think about how devastating that would be. 

Trump has had people trying to literally not rhetorically kill him.

Ever since his election loss four years ago, Trump has felt like a guy on the ragged edge of psychological collapse. That's why the rally bait in the debate unhinged him. He's just so incredibly thin skinned and his humiliation at the hands of a woman of color whom he had dismissed as a lightweight had to be traumatic. Now this.

Remember, he started the day tweeting out that he hated Taylor Swift. Totally normal stuff. 

He could nuts in the next week.

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