Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Pivot To Policy

 The second most meme worthy gaffe of Trump's debate debacle was his "concept of a plan" for health care. In fact, Routh's armed excursion to Trump's golf course was more like the "concept of an assassination attempt."

What happened the other day was that JD Vance - who is deeply marinated in the Far Right reaches of MAGAdom - decided to fill in the details of Trump's "concept" which showed why Trump probably wanted to leave it at a "concept" level.

Basically, Vance wants to end the Obamacare pooling of risk. As Jon Chait explains, this effectively means ending Obamacare, because pooling risk, costs and expenditures is entirely the point of the ACA's markets. "Deregulating" health insurance sounds good as a Reagan-esque sound bite, but it's the de facto end of insurance for millions of Americans. In fact, it's likely to have deleterious impacts on employer based health insurance, too.

There is actually an argument going around that posits that all the talk of Haitians eating pets actually helps Trump by focusing on immigration rather than issues like abortion, where he gets killed. I think, perhaps, it might negate some of his edge on immigration by pointing out how racist and absurd much of his position is.

Still, this is an opportunity to nudge the conversation back to health care, which has a huge advantage for Democrats, and they should do that - perhaps especially at the Congressional level.

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