Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Things Are Getting Interesting

 A little over a week ago, Pavel Durov, the founder of the Russian-adjacent Telegram, was arrested in France.

Today, a Russian aligned media company, Tenet, was indicted for trying to screw with our elections. Basically, they were paying right wing online assholes to troll and foment discord on Trump's behalf. 

It's worth noting that today the co-chairs of Trump's campaign sent a memo to campaign staff warning them not to leak (the email was leaked). That sounds like some pretty damaging story is on their horizon.

Did Durov flip and give Western intelligence agencies access to things like Russian efforts to influence elections in the West? Impossible to say, but the timing is pretty interesting. On the other hand, if you were the Biden campaign and now the Harris campaign, if you had a bunch of this damaging intel around, why release it in June when it get lost in the discourse over Biden's age? 

There is absolutely a timeline where Trump's campaign gets dragged into Russian influencing scandals, Trump gets sentenced in the NY campaign finance case and some other yet unknown shoe or shoes drop over the course of the next four weeks.

Everyone knows Trump is a selfish asshole, even his acolytes. (I did see a clip from his "interview" with Sean Hannity, and they panned to the crowd and there were a conspicuous number of people sitting there with their arms crossed. I think his act is wearing thin with them, too.) What you want is a steady barrage of new accusations and endorsements from people like, you know, Liz Freaking Cheney. I really do believe they have a George Bush endorsement in the can somewhere, ready to go.

Trump's campaign has decided, I think accurately, that the only way they can win is to make people hate and distrust Harris. It worked eight years ago, but that was after 25 years of working to define Hillary Clinton as the anti-Christ. If every accusation of Harris not being able to prove that she worked at a McDonalds is balanced by one where Trump campaign officials were coordinating with freaking Moscow, that strategy is going to be hard to pull off.

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