Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Did Obama Fail You Last Night

Woman attempts to tackle and maul Socialist Neoliberal Muslim Communist.

I really like some of the people going after Obama's speech.  Digby, teacherken, Brad DeLong... These are bright commentators, people whose opinion I trust.

But honestly, I can't understand why they can't give this guy a break.

DeLong said, implausibly, that the difference between an Obama Administration and a Romney Administration was DADT repeal and Elizabeth Warren.  That Romney would have advanced RomneyCare, which is really ObamaCare.  To understand the stupidity of that line of thinking, just look at what Romney is saying now about his own plan.

Others have been saying how Obama is "adopting GOP talking points."  OMG, HE'S A CENTRIST!!!  JUST LIKE WE'VE KNOWN ALL ALONG!!!!

The speech polled off the charts.  Obama has created a clear delineation between his vision of government and the GOP.  He has called for a government who actively pursues policies that will improve the lives of the American people.  Paul Ryan calls for "pain".  Obama sees a bright future, Ryan decries America's collapse.

Obama set a tone for the coming debate.  He's daring the GOP to oppose it.  He's setting the agenda for the 2012 campaign.

Sorry he didn't call for everything every liberal ever wanted.  Sorry he - once again - bent to the political realities of America today.

The Democratic Party will rise or fall in 2012 depending on how well the economy recovers and how well people think Obama is doing his job.  It will depend on whose vision of the future they trust.  It seems to me that Obama crafted a vision last night that will resonate with a lot of people.

One commentator who I thought got it right was Matthew Yglesias who noted that Obama HAD to make a broad argument over governing philosophy rather than a laundry list (or Ezra Klein's demand for "specifics").  He notes it's because Obama has little chance of actually getting legislation through the House.  That's true, as I said, he's "heightening the contradictions".  But a lot of Americans wanted a speech that made them feel good about their country and their future.  Quite a few pundits invoked Reagan.

Now, invoking Reagan is sure to make heads explode on the Left, but the point is, Reagan's optimism was the source of his popularity more than his cutting top marginal tax rates.  Reagan had a crappy economy and a drifting sense of national purpose.  His charisma cloaked an odious redistribution of wealth upwards.

If Obama can capture that same sense of national renewal, he can also change the very terms of debate on the role of government.

But someone compared him to Reagan on the TeeVee, so he must be ready to gut Social Security because I read it on FDL.

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