Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why I Won't Be Watching the SOTU

Obama prepares to snack on a little white baby before his State of the Union Address

I will read the SOTU.  I will watch clips of it around the Internets.  But I won't watch it live.

First, the compelling presidential address of January 2011 has already been made in Tucson.

Second, the SOTU is boring.  An interminable round of speechus interruptus as Congresscritters of both stripes erupt into applause like spastic four year olds at a puppet show.  "Tax cuts!  Yippee!"  "He said America is awesome!  That's awesome!"

Third, to watch live means you might get sucked into a roundtable afterwards.  You might be innocently watching the President speak, get up to go to the bathroom and come back and accidentally be exposed to a roundtable of Michael Beschloss, Joe the Plumber and Keith Olberman's lingering aura of resentment.

No one needs that.

So, if you're watching, good luck, and God bless.

UPDATE:  I read it.  It's quite good, if a little long.  I've heard enough of his speeches, so I can hear the cadence in my head.  He hits some emotional high notes, like his ending about the company that helped rescue the Chilean miners.  Oh, and he calls teachers "nation builders".  Which was cool.

UPDATE 2: Watched a bit.  Always looking over the shoulder of the Prez, I noticed that Boehner actually disappears into his leather chair like a green screen.  And Biden looks remarkably like this guy:

UPDATE THE THIRD: I read Ezra Klein's take and a few others on the SOTU.  Why would any normal person want to be President with the abuse they get?  Klein goes off on Obama's lack of specifics in the speech, like this was a bad thing.  Because if the President had only put a dollar amount on his education proposals, then the House would've passed them?  He griped that the speech was more philosophical than policy.  

No kidding!  That's what Obama is doing!  He wants to be the Democratic Reagan, changing the way we look at government, changing the way we interact with government.  He is offering a different philosophical vision of what government is and can be.  THAT is what being a transformational president means!

Let Paul Ryan propose cutting everything that doesn't shoot Ay-rabs or buy old people's votes.  Obama is trying to shift the ground in American politics.  It seems pretty obvious to me, but I'm just a dumbassed teacher.  No.  Wait.

I'm a nation builder.  Suck on it, Ezra!

UPDATE QUATRO: Man, I just read a thread at DailyKos showing the speech had a 92% favorability rating and the hating was so strong I need a shower.

"Why didn't Obama explicitly tell me what I wanted to hear?  SELLOUT!"


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