Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Hate You, David Brooks

Brook goes to the Heart of Applebees Darkness

Seriously, what a colossal asshat.

Read this.

Make everyone hurt?  OK, you wealthy dipweed, how about tax increases on the rich?  Big, honking Eisenhower level tax hikes?

You want to eviscerate the middle class and the safety net under the bullshit guise of "hey, everyone has to give something" then pony up.  Show me top marginal tax rate of 75% you son of a bitch, then get back to me about "make everyone hurt".  I am so sick of this!

The austerity fetishists of the privileged salons of Georgetown make me want to take up arms against a sea of troubles.  He sits there from his sinecure at the Times and pontificates about how we all need to buck up, which really means just the continued transfer of wealth up the ladder.

Why, David, why in the world should school teachers or construction workers or out of work retail clerks or dependents of military families serving overseas have pay for the sins of Wall Street?  The sins that YOU AND YOUR FELLOW TRAVELERS foisted on us with your fraudulent patent medicine about the magic of the markets.  Oh, it was magic all right.  It was the cheap trick of a carnival con man.  You know, magic.

Ever since that amiable villain Reagan foisted an upwards redistribution of wealth upon us, this country has faced deficits that we are told have to be balanced on the backs of the majority, while a tiny minority buy fourth homes and private islands.

Ponder this, David Asshat Brooks:

We all have to suffer?

Fuck you.

I will return to not cursing after this post, but honestly, if I saw that smug son of a bitch right now, I'd take him to downtown Waterbury and beat the crap out of him in the middle of the soup kitchen at my church.

Hi, David, you represent everything that is wrong with this country.

UPDATE: The sniveling coward has closed his comments section.  The bravery and self sacrifice of the leisure class is really something to behold, ain't it.

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