Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 From the jump, it was apparent that Kennedy's vanity campaign was being underwritten by GOP ratfuckers. Money and infrastructure are some of what keep third party campaigns on the margins - mostly it's the fact that they are vanity campaigns or ratfucking, but whatever. Kennedy relied on GOP Daddies to fund him and keep him relevant. The fact that this guy is a brain damaged freak saw his margins sink. Harris's emergence made him further irrelevant. 

His decision to drop out and endorse Trump is not likely to make a huge difference, but it's not nothing. Kennedy was a refuge for Never Trump Boomers and nihilistic Edgelords. The idea that his endorsement could matter with that group of malcontents seems dubious. What's more, the never ending drip of outright sociopathic behavior by Kennedy alienated a lot of people - except for those Edgelords.

It has been pretty clear that Kennedy was hurting Trump more than Harris - that's why he dropped out and endorsed Trump. He was always Trump-adjacent. Are there a bunch of voters who are going to become Trumpists because he dropped out? I'm skeptical.

However, it remains a close election, and if some of those Kennedy voters decide to hold their noses and vote for Trump that could matter. On the other hand, the Kennedy-Down Ticket Republican voter might just stay home. 

We can hope.

It's just foolish to make assumptions based on past elections, given the nature of this topsy-turvy race.

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