Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Monday, August 12, 2024

Trump CAN'T Campaign

 Chait talks about how Trump was winning by largely doing normal candidate things (which is an idea that could use some sources) or at least running against Biden meant that he didn't have to exert himself. Trump famously invoked William McKinley when talking about tariffs, but he was also mimicking McKinley's "Front Porch" campaign, where McKinley never really left his home and simply spoke to reporters and let his surrogates campaign for him.

The entry of Harris into the race has upended that strategy. Trump is now trailing in the polls and that has led him to have to campaign, which leads to things like his insane press conference. He's all over social media spouting deranged nonsense and that just amplifies the "weird" angle from Harris and Walz. 

What's darkly hilarious is that his campaign largely gets that it's biggest problem is its candidate. (OK, BOTH its candidates.) You might remembers the sarcastic meme from 2017-2020: "Today is the day Trump finally became President." It was based off Van Jones gushing over Trump's ability to read his State of the Union address from a teleprompter.

Trump is Trump. He's 80 years old and he's psychologically vulnerable narcissist. He's never been smart and now he's showing signs of both cognitive decline and epistemological closure. He's so trapped in Trumpistan that he can't speak to actual reality. 

In a week, the Democratic Convention starts. The media will likely try to drum up controversy when the inevitable pro-Hamas protestors show up. However, I would expect there to be a LOT of patriotism on display at the Convention. Lots of positivity. This will enrage Trump and his febrile minions even more.

At some point, movements like Trump's collapse, because they don't really have substance. They are based on perceptions and, yes, vibes. Harris has countered that with better vibes, happier vibes. 

This means that Trump's incessant message of doom and gloom is simply unable to counter the vibes of the Harris campaign. Trump being the messenger IS the message: American Carnage. Harris - by accident or design - has found herself offering the sort of campaign that Trump simply cannot match.

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