Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 As soon as I got a listen to this guy, he seemed like a perfect VP candidate. I don't know if he's ambitious for the top job, but he doesn't give the same "lean and hungry" vibe that, say, JD Vance does. He's got legislative experience in Washington, which Shapiro and Beshear don't. He's got Executive experience and won't jeopardize a Senate seat like Kelly. He's got military experience that Shapiro and Beshear don't. 

He also could bridge the gap with a lot of normie White Guys who are sick of Trump but have doubts about Harris. I think he helps across the Blue Wall, because his Midwestern vibes are impeccable. He's also been really effective as the sort of attack dog that nuzzles up to good people but sinks his teeth into bad people. 

What's more, he's a "first, do no harm" candidate. Shapiro risked blowing up the vibes with a certain segment of young people. Now, I still feel strongly that you cannot base an electoral strategy on young voters, and Shapiro was subject to very unfair attacks, as his position on Israel is probably further left than Walz's. Still, you don't want to upset the momentum that you have right now.

Finally, the Online Veepstakes got toxic in the last few days. Hopefully, everyone calms down and supports Harris-Walz. However, this toxicity is EXACTLY what some of us feared would happen if Biden stepped aside. What would a Blitz Primary look like? The sort of petty sniping that surrounded preferred VP candidates.

It seems, though, that the Harris team is prioritizing coalitional unity. That's really smart. 

They have been really smart and really effective.

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