Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Saturday, July 27, 2024

JD Vance Did WHAT?

 The internet can occasionally be fun. At some point, someone on Twitter suggested that somewhere in Hillbilly Elegy there is a passage where Vance talks about putting a latex glove between couch cushions and using it for successful masturbatory practice. This did not happen, but it was funny. Ever since, Twitter and social media have been awash in "JD Vance fucks couches" memes. That is until someone found a post of Vance's where he appears to look up "woman sex with dolphin" and post it online without clearing his search history. Does Vance regularly look up dolphin porn? Almost certainly not! Still, combined with the couch stuff, it's been a hilarious week on Twitter. 

The best part was when the AP ran a fact check story denying that Vance had fucked his couch, but then had to take it down because there is no clear evidence that he didn't fuck his couch.

There's a secondary question of "is this fair?" 

To which I reply: Who cares.

The reason this attack works is that Vance is a remarkably off-putting person, full of the combination of Trumpian grievance and Alt-Right sexual and cultural hang ups. He attacked "childless women with cats" and then apologized TO CATS.  There's a credible argument that his VP roll out is the worst of all time, including Sarah Palin. With Trump being old and unhealthy, Vance's repellent persona is absolutely fair game, given his potential to become president.

What's more, Josh Marshall, early in our sojourn in Trumpistan, coined the idea of "dominance politics" (originally "bitch slap politics, which he changed for obvious reasons). Trump's primary political skills are reflecting his crowd's grievances and asserting dominance over his opponents - especially in the 2016 GOP primary. Trump belittles his opponents as a matter of course. He's trying out a lot of nicknames on Harris, seeming to settle on Cackling Kamala. 

I'm sure there are a host of concern-troll op-eds being written about the ceaseless lampooning of Vance. That's a ridiculous double standard from the media, but one we should expect. They will fact check Vance's couch fucking but not Trump's debate performance.

The Harris campaign's primary attack angle on Trump-Vance is "They are just weird." The fact that some Zennial just threw out a random couch fucking meme and now it's gotten to the point where people are taking odds on whether Trump throws Vance off the ticket is simply Democrats giving the GOP a taste of their own medicine. 

I'm so here for it.

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