Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Emerging Themes of Harris '24

 Campaigns need narratives. Too often Democrats get mired in a narrative wrapped around specific policy proposals which do not constitute an actual story about a vision of America, though they have been getting better at that. Trump's message is clear: America is a dystopian wasteland that only he can redeem like a Mad Max Jesus.

Harris is already trying out two themes that look really strong. The first was her line the other day "We will not go back." This hits on something I've been saying about the contemporary GOP; they aren't conservative, they're reactionary. Trump's fiscal plan? William McKinley's! Vance's views of women? Antediluvian! 

Which brings us to their attack narrative that Governor Walz was hitting the other day: These guys are weird. When you start digging into a lot of their narrative, it comes across as deeply weird to those who aren't in Cult 45. When you start railing against sharks but praising the late great Hannibal Lecter, I think you may have lost the plot. But when you start talking about monitoring women's menstrual cycles, you have moved into profoundly weird-o territory.

The GOP's first line of attack on Harris was her laugh (which my son said he didn't like, but whatever). That laugh, though, stands in stark contrast with Trump's scowling anger. Last night's speech by Biden put forth a vision of an America that is, in fact, a great country. Harris can build on that buoyant optimism that Biden's age makes it difficult to convey through a screen. Harris can pull of "optimistic about a better future" in comparison to the weird and dark vibes coming from Trumpistan.

Lots of people are noting the "vibe shift" since Sunday. Biden's selfless act is earning him some goodwill amongst the chattering class who might now, finally, admit that Biden's America is a pretty good place with some pretty good outcomes. 

Prior to Sunday, the two campaigns were competing narratives of doom. Trump's obviously, but even Biden was reduced to "vote for me or democracy will end." I think that negative partisanship is a perfectly fine GOTV strategy but Democrats need to be inspired and the idea of having "America's cool Auntie" going against Darth Donald has created the sort of enthusiasm that could shift this race.

But I'm still worried about Pennsylvania....

Also: Biden's speech was really moving and hit on these themes, too. His withdrawal allows him to become the perfect symbol of anti-dictatorial politics.

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