Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Monday, July 1, 2024

No One Is Coming To Save Us

 So, The Federalist Six on the SCOTUS decided what they likely decided a month or more ago: presidents enjoy immunity from official acts but not from private ones. This will push the decision back to the lower courts and drag out the time before the trial. Sadly, this ruling - combined with Aileen Cannon acting as a de facto defense attorney in the open-and-shut documents case - means that Trump's legal peril before the election is greatly, greatly reduced. I think this outcome was what we all expected when SCOTUS agreed to take up the issue on the timeline that they did. 

We have a corrupt partisan court. That much is obvious. 

It also looks like - for the moment - Biden won't step aside. I think there is still data that needs to be accounted for, but there is no Johnny Unbeatable waiting in the wings to save us.

We are voting in November for either a man that is likely too old to be the president we need or a felon and congenital liar who would be a dictator if he could. I can argue - and will - that we elect administrations not individuals, and Biden's administration has been very, very impressive. He is, clearly, an inferior candidate at this point, but he does have a compelling record.

So, Trump v Biden is our choice and that means we have to save ourselves in November. That's job one. If we do, then the legal cases against him will come due and maybe...just maybe...we can have our moment of accountability for a man who has used his wealth to escape it (for the most part) so far.

Not liking the situation does not change it.

UPDATE: Everything...EVERYTHING...Josh Marshall said.

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