Blog Credo

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Monday, July 29, 2024


 I'm totally on board with Minnesota governor Tim Walz for the Veep pick. Mistermix lays out all the reasons here.

To summarize: Walz is a bright, accomplished man who was as far from the Ivy Tower elitism that has typically defined our politics. Trump "went" to Wharton and brags about his uncle at MIT. Vance is a perfect creature of Yale Law. Walz punctures that elite/populist pairing effortlessly. What's more, he's not a lawyer, he's a teacher and as a teacher, the ability to explain things clearly is the job. Buttigieg is better at this, but in a way that appeals to college educated voters; Walz will appeal to non-college folks.

He was a non-commissioned office, not an office. He routinely won a very conservative district, yet has a progressive voting record. He has experience in both the legislative and executive branches of government.

What's more, he's just the epitome of Big Dad Energy.

You can make a strong argument for Shapiro, in that it's a tough road to 270 without Pennsylvania. However, I think Walz helps you there, too. He's going to keep some of those union members who support Biden but might have reservations about Harris. As good as Kelly's biography is, I think Walz actually matches it, in that it's less "impressive" but more telling in who he is and what Democrats stand for.

The guy has rizz, and I think he is the safest choice, in the same way that Biden was a great choice for Obama as the first Black candidate and president.

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